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Our reviews

(238 Reviews)
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January 29, 2021
Amongst my favourite restaurant in Ottawa. Highly recommend.

January 27, 2021
Absolutely marvelous experience. Food was delivered in the dot and piping hot. It was delicious, the portions generous and the spiciness as requested. We shall be back. The butter chicken was the best ever, the mulligatawney even better!

January 18, 2021
Everything was so good! Wish we ordered more naan!

January 10, 2021
Delicious food! Best Indian food in the city.

January 09, 2021
Was satisfiying.

January 03, 2021
Amazing food as always. Great quality and lots of gluten free options!

January 02, 2021
Consistently good Indian food! Don’t hesitate to order!

December 31, 2020
Great service, friendly and super food. Highly recommended

December 31, 2020
Ordered New Years Eve. Took a while to get our order. They were super apologetic and gave me a free lime pickle. Got one side wrong but was not disappointed. Very impressed with the food. Highly recommend!

December 26, 2020
As always, everything was excellent. Absolutely delicious. Our compliments to your chefs and to your staff for being so friendly! And those donuts were amazing as well! What a treat! Thanks.